Evergreen actor Anil Kapoor will soon be seen on the comedy show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’. During this, Anil Kapoor will make many revelations and will tell that he offered many films and series to Kapil Sharma, but the comedian refused him. A promo video is going viral on social media, in which Anil Kapoor is seen talking about it.
In this, Kapil Sharma tells the audience that Anil Kapoor offered me a lot of shows, but had to start his own show so I refused him. Anil was seen saying how many films I give you, why do you refuse?
Kapil Sharma says, “I love you sir.” He then explains that he had to take many drastic steps to work on the Kapil Sharma show. Kapil says that when we were working on the series again, Anil sir approached me continuously for 7 days.
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Anil says that I offered films like Mubarakan and Tej to Kapil Sharma, but Kapil Sharma folded his hands for so long that he would continue to offer films to him. Anil is currently playing supporting roles in film and series, someone’s father or someone’s uncle. Anil Kapoor expressed his wish and said that I want to play the character of Kapil Sharma’s father one day.