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HomeJobs AlertNTPC Recruitment 2023: Deadline to apply in NTPC is about to end,...

NTPC Recruitment 2023: Deadline to apply in NTPC is about to end, graduates should apply, salary will be Rs 1.20 lakh

Sarkari Naukri 2023 NTPC Recruitment 2023 Notification: This is a great opportunity for the youth who are searching for jobs (NTPC Bharti Job) in NTPC Limited. Candidates who have not yet applied for these posts, should read these things carefully.

NTPC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online: This is a great opportunity for the youth who are searching for jobs (Sarkari Naukri) in NTPC Limited. For this, NTPC has invited applications for reinstatement on the vacant posts of Assistant Mine Surveyor. The last date to apply for these posts is 8th December. Those candidates who have not applied yet can apply online through the official website of NTPC, Now only 2 days are left for NTPC recruitment.

A total of 11 posts will be filled under this recruitment drive. If you are also interested in getting a job on these posts (NTPC Bharti), then first read these given points carefully, then consider applying.

There will be reinstatement on so many posts

This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 11 vacant posts of Assistant Mine Surveyor. Those who want to apply for these posts should read the notification given below carefully.

What are the eligibility criteria to apply?

Candidates must have a degree in Civil/Mining Engineering from a recognized University/Institute and possess Surveyor Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS for Open Cast Coal Mines.

Application fee will have to be paid to apply

Candidates belonging to General/EWS/OBC category will have to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs 300. SC/ST/XSM category and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

Apply like this

  • Visit the official website of NTPC
  • Click on the link on the homepage where it is written “Advertisement No. 23/23” for Assistant Mine Surveyor for Coal Mining Area under NTPC Mining Limited (NML).
  • Fill the application form.
  • A new page will appear on the screen.
  • Upload all the required documents.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Take print for future reference.

NTPC Recruitment 2023 Notification

Shyamu Maurya
Shyamu Maurya
Shyamu has done Degree in Fine Arts and has knowledge about bollywood industry. He started writing in 2018. Since then he has been associated with Informalnewz. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me
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