Talking about the data packs of its rival companies, Jio provides 1 GB of data for a price of at least Rs 11. Airtel provides 3GB of data directly in its recharge pack, which costs Rs 48. Apart from this, Vi provides 1 GB of data at a recharge of 16 rupees.
If you talk about the most economical recharge plan of BSNL, then its price is just 13 rupees. But the benefit you are going to get in this recharge at the price of 13 rupees is very beneficial. Yes, you will be provided 2GB of data in BSNL’s Rs 13 recharge plan. If you need additional data in an emergency every day, then this recharge plan of the telecom company is definitely going to be beneficial for you.
In BSNL’s Rs 13 recharge pack, 2GB internet data is made available to customers for use. However, it is worth noting that the validity of this recharge pack of the company is just 1 day. That is, in this recharge of 13 rupees, you can use 2 GB internet data for only 1 day. Of course this pack can prove to be good for customers who are limited in their homes and forced to work from home due to Corona virus epidemic these days. In such a situation, if they need emergency internet, then they can use up to 2 GB of internet by spending just Rs 13.
Talking about the data packs of its rival companies, Jio provides 1 GB of data for a price of at least Rs 11. While Jio comes with a recharge pack of Rs 21 for 2 GB data. Airtel provides 3GB of data directly in its recharge pack, which costs Rs 48. Apart from this, Vi provides 1 GB of data at a recharge of 16 rupees.