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Home News DIY: Hair has become dry after applying henna, so definitely try this...

DIY: Hair has become dry after applying henna, so definitely try this homemade conditioner


If using henna in your hair also makes your hair look dry, then use the homemade hair conditioner mentioned here

Generally women use henna to give good color and shine to the hair. Mehndi brings color to the hair, but sometimes it also dries the hair if it is not used properly. When the hair becomes dry after applying henna, then it also starts breaking more than necessary. In such a situation, after applying henna in the hair, it becomes a little difficult to maintain the shine of the hair. To maintain the shine of the hair, especially girls try many ways, but while henna enhances the beauty of the hair, dryness of hair is a common problem due to not using conditioner after its use.

After using henna, if you use expensive conditioners available in the market, then it is important for you to know that the use of chemical-rich products on the hair can also damage the hair. In this article, we are going to tell you about such a hair conditioner prepared by mixing some household ingredients, by which you can also bring shine in the hair with the color of henna. I also apply this homemade hair conditioner in my hair, which keeps the natural shine in my hair.

Egg White and Banana Hair Conditioner 

Hair conditioners prepared with some household ingredients help in providing shine to the hair naturally. Egg white and banana hair conditioner is a good recipe to add shine to dry hair and prevent hair fall from applying henna. This gives instant shine to the hair.

Necessary Ingredients 

  1. Ripe Banana – 1 (according to the length of the hair)
  2. Honey – 3 tbsp
  3. Olive oil -3 tbsp
  4. Egg white – 1 egg

How to make 

  1. Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl.
  2. Separate the egg white and mix it with the ingredients and beat well.
  3. You have to make a little thick paste of these ingredients.
  4. Keep the prepared paste covered for 5 minutes.
  5. Hair conditioner is ready to use.

Mode of use 

  1. You do not have to shampoo when you remove henna by applying it to your hair.
  2. After applying henna to the hair, wash the hair with water only.
  3. Use this hair conditioner in the hair after at least 12 hours .
  4. For this, first wash the hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo.
  5. Apply equal parts of hair and hair conditioner massaging it thoroughly all over the hair.
  6. You can also apply this homemade hair conditioner to the roots of the hair.
  7. Leave the hair conditioner on the hair for 15-30 minutes.
  8. After that wash the hair thoroughly with water.
  9. Use this hair conditioner every time you apply henna.
  10. This conditioner helps in bringing natural shine to the hair.

Benefits of homemade hair conditioner 

Banana is a very good hair conditioner. Along with repairing hair damage, it also helps in bringing new shine to dry hair due to henna. Egg white acts as a natural conditioner for the hair and prevents split ends. This hair conditioner can be used on all hair types. Olive oil helps to impart a good color of henna to the hair (mix these things for a good color of henna) and honey also reduces dryness of the hair. All natural ingredients have been used in this hair conditioner which helps in giving beauty to your hair. But before using it on weak hair, do take expert advice.

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