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Employees Special Leave: Government employees will get 42 days leave together, order issued

Employees Special Leave: Government employees will get 42 days leave together, order issued

Special Leave: The government has called it an important welfare initiative for the employees. It has been said that this will help save the lives of the needy. Experts also believe that such a decision will increase the number of organ donors.

Organ Transplant Policy: There is good news for the employees of the central government. The government has said that if you donate organs, you will now get 42 days of special leave. This step is going to promote human sensitivity on one hand and has also brought an opportunity for the government employees. According to the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization NOTTO, the Department of Personnel and Training has already issued orders in this regard.

Actually, according to media reports, NOTTO chief Dr Anil Kumar said that this order has been recently put on the organization’s website to increase awareness. For organ donation, the donor has to undergo a major operation, which requires hospitalization and then time for recovery. Keeping this in mind, this step has been taken.

What are the rules for taking leave…

According to the DoPT order, this 42-day leave will be valid for any type of surgery to remove the donor’s organs. This leave should usually be taken in one go, starting from the day of hospitalization. However, if necessary, it can also be taken a week before the surgery, provided a government registered doctor recommends it.

Which organs can be donated?

A living donor can donate a kidney (because one kidney is enough to maintain body functions), part of the pancreas (half pancreas is enough) and part of the liver (parts of which can grow again after donation). This process is done taking full care of the donor’s health.

On the other hand, the government has also described it as an important welfare initiative for the employees. It has been said that this will help save the lives of the needy. Experts also believe that such decisions will increase the number of organ donors. Photo AI

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