Actress Akshara Singh has been posting a lot of videos on Instagram for some time. Recently one of his videos became so viral that his views have crossed one million. Now another Insta reel video of Akshara is in discussion in which she is lipsyncing to a song, but this time more people’s attention is being paid to her hot look in saree than her expression.
There are millions of fans of Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh ‘s beauty and expression. She keeps sharing her photos and videos for her fans on social media. Akshara Singh has a huge fan following on Instagram. About 3.1 million people follow Akshara. Recently one of his videos became so viral that his views have crossed one million. In this Instagram video, Akshara is shaking her waist on Bollywood’s famous rapper Badshah’s latest song ‘Pani-Pani’ in such a way that people are going crazy. Now another Insta reel of Akshara is in discussion.
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In this video, she is lipsyncing to a song, but this time her hot look wearing a red sari is getting more attention than her expression. In the video, she is acting on the song ‘Lockdown Main Mora Saiyaan’ from the latest album. Akshara’s look in saree looks very glamorous and hot. The video has got more than 3 lakh views and 44 thousand likes in a few hours. With the beauty of Akshara, the sexy look is grabbing the attention of the users.
Akshara often comes into the limelight due to the caption written along with the video. In a video, wearing a blue dress, she was performing on Kriti Sanon’s song ‘Chal wahan jaate hain’, which was being liked by the fans. The song is sung by Arijit Singh, on which Akshara Singh’s serious expression and dance steps were amazing. Together, Akshara wrote – ‘I love you’, about which many comments started coming on the video.