You all will be aware of the popular interior designer Gauri Khan. She appeared at Manish Malhotra’s birthday party. Her video also surfaced. After which her own discussions started on social media. People started writing about her in the comment section. You also watch the video-
Bollywood’s King Khan Shahrukh Khan’s wife and interior designer Gauri Khan was spotted on the evening of 5th December. She went to the birthday party of famous fashion designer Manish Malhotra. There Paparaji captured her in her camera. After that the video started going viral on social media. During this, the actress reacted in such a way, after which people started showering comments. Along with calling them good and bad, they also started making fun of them. Shah Rukh’s Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca was even linked to Umrah.
His 56th birthday was celebrated at the house of fashion designer Manish Malhotra. A party was organized on this occasion, in which famous personalities of Bollywood reached. Gauri Khan also appeared in black outfit. Now everyone knows that paparazzi are definitely present where there is a Bollywood party. Their gathering was also seen on this occasion. During this, Gauri Khan also appeared. Paparazzi stood by to take their photos and videos.
Gauri Khan at Manish Malhotra’s party
But Gauri Khan could not understand where to pose for her. Earlier she was going to lean on the car but that car betrayed her. Then she goes to a big pot. Then stand near the wall. After this she climbs the stairs and finally poses by leaning on the door of the designer’s house. And all this time she does not show her back. Means she walks as if she is hiding something behind. On this she got trolled.
People criticized
Gauri Khan When this video of Gauri Khan from the party surfaced, a user wrote – They knew that these people would take photos and videos from behind. One wrote – She would have walked straight. One wrote – Has something happened in the back of her dress? One wrote – Madam is not able to understand the pose which one should I give? One wrote – Husband has gone to perform Umrah and look at his wife here. There is no end to Shahrukh’s hypocrisy. One wrote – Hey, just do it and how much more will you go inside.