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HomeNewsHow to increase cheeks

How to increase cheeks

Face yoga

Before you know about the postures of ‘Face Yoga’, it is important for you to know what is Face Yoga.

What is Face Yoga

With increasing age, its effect also appears on the face, which can be resorted to to reduce yoga. By doing face yoga, blood circulation in the face is better and this relaxes the muscles of your face and also tightens them. Also, the face keeps feeding and the effect of increasing age on the skin can also be reduced.

Benefits of face yoga

Wrinkles on the face are common with aging, but many times the use of cream with more makeup or chemical causes premature aging. Apart from this, the effect of increasing weight is also visible on the face, for which people resort to various expensive and painful treatments. In this case, Face Yoga can be helpful as an easy option.

Face Yoga makes the face young and works to enhance the face.

This can reduce the problem of double chin and make your face attractive.

Doing face yoga can cause tightness in your skin.

Face yoga to get attractive face

1. Simha Mudra

How to do Simha Mudra Yoga

1.First of all, place a yoga mat or clean sheet on the ground. You can also do this by sitting on the bed.

2.Now sit in Sukhasana and rest the palms on the ground. The fingers should be towards the feet. After this, put both the knees on or around the fingers. Keep in mind that in this stage your elbows should be straight.

3.After this, open your mouth well and bring the tongue outwards.

4.While exhaling the tongue, roar like a lion, so that the muscles on your face will be under pressure.

5.This face yoga is done in the same way as a lion opens its mouth while roaring.

6.You should repeat this face yoga two to four times in the morning every day.

How beneficial?

Simha mudra brings tightness to all the muscles of your face and tones it. It is one of the best rugs for the face.

2. Tongue barrier yoga

How to do tongue barrier yoga?

1.First of all, place a yoga mat or clean sheet on the ground.

2.Now sit in the posture of Padmasana or Sukhasana and put both your hands on your knees.

3.After this, close your eyes, open your mouth and stick your tongue on the palate.

4.The more you stretch your tongue on the palate, the more impact it will have on the muscles of your face.

5.Keep the tongue glued on the palate for a while and then return to the original state.

6.Then give a few seconds rest and repeat this process two to three times.

7.While doing this yoga, keep breathing normally.

8.You can do this face yoga daily in the morning.

How beneficial?

This face yoga gives shape to your jaw and helps to tone the muscles of your face.

3.Jalandhar Bandh (Chin Lock) yoga

How to do Jalandhar Bandh (Chin Lock)?

1.First of all, sit in a posture of Padmasana or Sukhasana by laying yoga mats or sheets on the ground and leave yourself with a deep breath to relax.

2.After this, keep your body straight and keep the palms up on the knees and keep the elbows straight.

3.After this, raise the shoulders upward by taking a long deep breath. Then keep the back straight, tilt the body slightly forward.

4.Now, while keeping the neck forward, tie the chin with the chin on the chest.

5.Hold the breath for a few seconds in this state, then slowly return to the original state.

6.Repeat this process two to four times.

How beneficial?

Jalandhar Dam gives shape to your face and tones your face and jaw muscles. People with double chin can benefit greatly by doing this yoga yoga regularly.

4.Fish face yoga

How to do a fish face?

1.First you sit on a yoga mat or bed sheet in the posture of Padmasana.

2.Then close the eyes.

3.Now suck your cheeks and lips inwards and shape your mouth like a fish.

4.Do this for a few seconds and then smile.

5.Repeat this yoga process two to three times.

How beneficial?

This yoga tones your face and improves the functioning of the muscles of the face.

Mouthwash yoga

How to do mouthwash yoga

This yoga is very easy and you can do it sitting at any time.

Just like you rinse with mouth watering, likewise, shake the cheeks filled with air in the mouth.

When you are tired, take a short rest and repeat this process two or three times.

How beneficial?

The mouthwash technique removes excess fat from the face along with toning your cheeks. At the same time, it can also show an effective effect on the problem of double chin.

Your beauty enhances your cheeks and makes you look young. When the face is full of fat hidden under the skin at a young age, then you look very beautiful and beautiful. Gradually this fat decreases with age, due to which the cheeks start hanging and you start looking old.

Most of the children have thick cheeks and because of this they look very innocent and beautiful. Now most of the adult people also want to get the cheeks thick, so that they look young. Pitching cheeks does not mean that you collect as much fat on the face. You can also find such cheeks by toning the skin of the face. Just adopt some natural techniques like exercise and home remedies and thicken the cheeks.

So let us tell you the methods and methods of filling the cheeks –

Facial yoga

Facial yoga is a great way to get thick cheeks. This yoga brings tightness to the hanging skin. This brings elasticity to the skin and increases the production of collagen. Both of these help to make your skin thicker.

How to do Facial Yoga

Place the first finger of both your hands on the dimpled area of both the cheeks. Then roll it comfortably on your cheeks for a minute or two.

Then, while laughing, place the first fingers of both your hands on the line near the lip. Then slowly rotate the fingers on the area for a minute or two.

Finally, place the first fingers of both your hands on the jaw. Then bring the fingers upwards towards the cheeks. Now rotate the fingers round the cheeks for a minute or two.

Try to do this facial yoga several times throughout the day.

You can also do some other facial exercises, such as cheek presses and cheek lifts, which can tone the muscles of your cheeks.

Inflating balloons

You can also correct the muscles of the cheeks by inflating the balloons. The process of filling the balloon will thicken your cheeks. This will increase your muscles and thus the cheeks will start filling up again.

How to make cheek fat –

Inflate the balloon through the mouth.

After filling air in the mouth, let the mouth remain like this for a minute. Then remove the air from the mouth.

You repeat this process five to six times throughout the day every day.

You can also do this exercise without the help of balloon by filling the air in your mouth.

Olive oil usage

Olive oil is extremely effective in thickening cheeks. It contains healthy monounsaturated fat, which keeps the skin healthy and supple. Olive oil acts as a moisturizer for dry skin and softens the skin. This oil also reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

How to use olive oil –

Add one teaspoon of olive oil to your diet daily.

Apart from this, you can massage the olive oil by heating it on the cheeks for five to ten minutes.

Aloe vera experiment

Aloe vera has skin tightening properties. It cures thin skin and gives flexibility in the skin. In addition, the antioxidants in aloe vera protect the skin from damage from free radicals and produce collagen in your skin.

How to use Aloe Vera –

First take aloe vera gel on your hands and then apply it on the cheeks and massage for ten minutes.

After massaging for ten minutes, leave the gel on the skin in the same manner for the next ten minutes.

Then wash the skin with lukewarm water.

Repeat this remedy twice a day.

In addition, you must drink two teaspoons of aloe vera juice once daily.

Use of fenugreek

Fenugreek helps to fill the cheeks. Its vitamin and antioxidant properties protect the skin from free radicals. It also keeps the skin healthy and supple.

How to use fenugreek –

First, mix one teaspoon of fenugreek powder with some amount of water, so that a soft paste can be prepared.

Now massage this paste by applying it on the cheeks.

After massaging, leave the paste like this for ten minutes.

Now wash the cheeks with water.

Repeat this remedy once in a day.

Apart from this, you can also massage the cheeks with fenugreek oil once or twice throughout the day.

Use of Shia Butter

Shia butter is rich in fatty acids, which help to bring elasticity to the skin. Along with this, it also contains Vitamin E which tightens the skin and thickens your cheeks.

Use Shia Butter in two ways –

First Way –

First take Shia Butter and then apply it on your cheeks and massage for ten minutes.

After massaging, leave the butter in the same position for 15 minutes.

Then wash the skin with water.

Repeat this remedy several times a week.

Second Way –

To prepare a mixture, first take a cup of melted Shia Butter and then add three quarters of granulated sugar to it.

Now keep the mixture in the fridge to become solid.

After it is solid, apply it on the wet face and after applying massage for five minutes.

Repeat this remedy daily before bathing.

Use of rose water and glycerin

A mixture of rose water and glycerin is another excellent way to thicken cheeks. Both ingredients benefit the skin and moisturize them. Apart from this, it gives moisture to the skin and also hydrates them.

How to use rose water and glycerin –

First, mix the two ingredients together.

Then apply this mixture on your cheeks before sleeping at night. Then leave it like this for overnight.

The next morning wash the skin with lukewarm water.

Repeat this remedy once in a day.

Use of apple

Apples contain many nutrients, which benefit the skin. The antioxidants present in the apple cure damaged tissues and also treat wrinkles. Along with this, your skin starts getting soft and thick with apple.

How to use apple –

First, mix half the apples in the mixer and prepare a thin paste.

Now apply this paste on the cheeks and massage for five minutes.

After the massage, leave the paste on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.

Then wash the skin with warm water.

Repeat this remedy once a day.

Also, eat an apple daily.

Use of honey

Honey is beneficial for your skin in many ways. It acts like a humectant, which helps the skin to get moisturized. In this way, your skin looks healthy and full. In addition, it has antioxidant properties, which protect the skin from free radicals.

How to use honey –

First mix one teaspoon of honey with papaya paste (mix some pieces of papaya in the mixer and prepare a paste).

Now apply this paste on the cheeks and after applying leave it like this for ten minutes.

Then wash the skin with lukewarm water.

Repeat this remedy daily.

Apart from this, you can drink a teaspoon of honey, a glass of warm water and drink it once a day.

Use of milk

Milk is a great way to thicken cheeks. It moisturizes the skin and makes the skin thicker.

How to use milk – 

Take cold milk first and then apply it on your cheeks.

Massage for five minutes after applying milk.

Then leave the milk in the same condition for the next five minutes.

Now wash the skin with lukewarm water.

Repeat this remedy daily.

You can also drink one or two glasses of creamy milk or low-fat milk daily.

Other tips for cheek filling

Do not use makeup too much, it will give your skin a good breather.

Clean the makeup before going to sleep at night.

Do not smoke and consume alcohol, you can lose the flexibility of your skin.

Drink more and more water throughout the day, so that your skin remains hydrated.

Apply sunscreen to protect the skin from sun rays.

Always keep them moisturized to keep the skin from hanging. Always use moisturizing cream on your cheeks after washing your face. If your skin is oily then use water-based moisturizer on your skin.

Eat nuts and dry fruits daily to make the skin healthy and supple.

Do not use Straw for drinking any beverage. This can make your cheeks clench.

Parvesh Maurya
Parvesh Maurya
Parvesh Maurya, has 5 years of experience in writing Finance Content, Entertainment news, Cricket and more. He has done BA in English. He loves to Play Sports and read books in free time. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me @
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