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If you are associated with Indian oil, then there is a special offer for you, the company will protect you with Covid


There is good news for Vendor delivering Petrol Pump and LPG cylinders. Public sector company Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has extended the life insurance cover of employees working at petrol pumps and delivering LPG cylinders.

New Delhi: There is good news for Vendor delivering Petrol Pump and LPG cylinders. Public sector company Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has extended the life insurance cover of employees working at petrol pumps and delivering LPG cylinders. The company has taken this step keeping in mind the health safety of frontline workers.

According to Indian Oil, the company will continue to renew the medical insurance of its frontline employees as well as provide support to the family of employees who lost their lives during work.

Indian Oil Karma Yogi Health Insurance Scheme

The company said that IOC has renewed the ‘Indian Oil Karma Yogi Swasthya Bima’ from May 1, 2021 onwards, while standing firmly with the frontline workers’ employees.

3.3 lakh retail petrol pumps in the country

The company says that under this medical insurance scheme, its 3.3 million retail petrol pump customers’ attendants, LPG delivery personnel, tank truck workers, pipeline security guards etc. are covered.

Claims up to one lakh rupees

Despite the proliferation of the Korana epidemic, these employees contribute significantly to Indian Oil’s efforts to continue the fuel supply uninterrupted. Along with the employee in medical insurance, his wife and two children will also get the benefit of insurance. Under this, up to Rs 1 lakh can be claimed on Covid 19 related illness and hospitalization. On the death of the insured in the accident, the family will get a compensation of two lakh rupees.

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