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LPG Gas Subsidy: Big News! LPG customers can now check gas subsidy from their mobile while sitting at home, know how

LPG Gas Subsidy: Big News! LPG customers can now check gas subsidy from their mobile while sitting at home, know how

LPG Gas Subsidy: Domestic gas connection has been received under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana and under the Ujjwala Yojana, a subsidy of Rs 237 is given on filling the gas. Which is transferred directly to their bank account But most of the people are not aware of this and are not able to check the gas subsidy as their mobile number is not linked to their bank account. So today we are going to tell you two very easy ways to check gas subsidy through mobile number. There are many poor families in the country who do not fill gas because it is expensive.

Because they do not know that they get a subsidy of Rs 237 on filling gas. Therefore, the government has started a website so that everyone can check gas subsidy from their mobile sitting at home. And those who are not getting subsidy and are not getting the benefit of gas subsidy can go to the gas agency and get it rectified, so let’s not take too much time. And all the process to check gas subsidy by mobile number is explained step by step.

How to check gas subsidy through mobile number

  • First of all, to check gas subsidy by mobile number, open the official website mylpg.in, if you want to go directly to the website then click here.
  • As soon as you visit the link, the websites of all types of gas companies will open, in which there will be an option of Click to You Give Up LPG Subsidy Online, which will have to be selected.
  • After this you will see three options Bharat Gas, HP Gas, Indane, then tick the option of the company whose gas you have.
  • After this, if you are already logged in to this portal then you have to fill the login ID, password and captcha code as per the previous form and select the option of login.
  • If you are new to this portal then in the second form you have to fill the captcha registered with Aadhaar number, account number, IFSC code and LPG ID gas connection and select the submit button.
  • After this you can easily check gas subsidy.

Another way to check gas subsidy through mobile number

  • To check gas subsidy from mobile number, you have to open the official website pmfs.nic.in. If you want to go directly to the website then use this link.
  • After visiting the link, the government website will open, in which you will have to select the option of Know Your Payments.
  • After this, the name of the bank account number has to be filled, then the bank account number has to be filled again to confirm in the box given below.
  • After filling the bank account number, fill the captcha code and send OTP to the registered mobile number. Option has to be selected.
  • After this, details of how much money is in your bank account and when it arrived will be sent through SMS, which you can see by opening your inbox.
  • In this way you can check gas subsidy from your mobile number sitting at home.

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