Actor Mukesh Khanna, who described The Kapil Sharma Show as slut and vulgar, has started The Mukesh Khanna Show in which he is sharing experiences of Mahabharata.
The Mukesh Khanna Show: Actor Mukesh Khanna, who described the Kapil Sharma Show as slut and porn, has started The Mukesh Khanna Show in which he is sharing experiences of Mahabharata. In this show, he will talk about the making and shooting of famous and popular serials like Mahabharata. The stars, who have worked in the Mahabharata as guests on this show, will also join and share their experiences. Mahabharata veteran actor Puneet Issar also appeared on the show.
Let me tell you that some time ago, the entire team of Mahabharata was called in ‘The Kapil Sharma’ in which Mukesh Khanna was absent. This episode was a bit incomplete due to his absence. Mukesh Khanna had told the reason for not joining- The Kapil Sharma show is sloppy and vulgar. In this serial, men become women and spread pornography. This matter had become very taut.
Now Mukesh Khanna has launched his show matching the title of The Kapil Sharma Show. In one episode of this show, Mukesh Khanna also narrated the story of rubbing the back with Nitish Bhardwaj. Once London’s Mukesh Khanna was supposed to act in the cold, then he took the help of Nitish Bhardwaj, who plays Krishna.
What did Mukesh Khanna say in the name of the show?
Mukesh Khanna said after the name of the show- I deliberately named the show The Mukesh Khanna. Fans met me in one such show. People complained that Sir, we missed you a lot. If you were not there, then one thing came to my mind that let’s not be right there. There the artists of Mahabharata narrated their memoirs and stories. So I will narrate the story and the memoir in this show. I have many things.