In less than 3 months due to the name, the stock of this company has risen by 157%, but today its bubble burst.
There are two famous proverbs in Hindi about the name. First- just the name is enough and second- what is there in the name. NBFC company Bombay Oxygen Investments has proved that there is a lot to be named and the name itself is enough. The stock of NBFC company Bombay Oxygen Investments jumped 157% in less than 3 months due to the name only.
But yesterday, when it was revealed that people are investing indiscriminately in the company without checking fundamentals and getting confused by the name, then the shares of the company came down on the floor with haste today. There is a possibility that after the opening of the distinction, the company’s stock will fall drastically, which has started today..
Indeed, there is a severe shortage of oxygen due to the increasing cases of corona virus. Since the word Oxygen is in the middle of the name of Bombay Oxygen Investments, due to this people thought that the company produces oxygen, the company is sure to have tremendous profits. Thinking that people have invested heavily in the company after Corona’s case has increased and oxygen shortage, without knowing what the company does.
Yesterday on 19 April, Moneycontrol reported that the company does not produce oxygen, but is a non-banking financial company (NBFC), which does not even accept public deposits. After this, the shares of the company fell today and it took 5% lower circuit. Whereas, yesterday, 19th April, the company’s stock was put at 5% upper circuit.
The tremendous rise in the shares of Bombay Oxygen Investments since 1 February 2021 has also proved how people invest in stocks without thinking and without research due to social media fraud. On 1 February, the price of one share of Bombay Oxygen Investments was Rs 9965, which rose to Rs 24,574.85 on 19 April.
This rise in the company’s stock came not because of the company’s strong fundamentals, balance sheets or earnings growth, but because of the word Oxygen in its name. The company used to supply industrial gas till August 2019, which it had left about 2 years ago. The company is now NBFC.
Let us tell you that since the second wave of Kovid has reached the peak in the country, the stock of the company has jumped more than 100%. On April 1, the price of 1 share of the company was Rs 11,255 which has now crossed Rs 24,574. That is, the company’s stock has risen by 120% this month.
But it seems that the bubble of the boom in the stocks of the company has broken out and the corrections have started in the stocks of the company from today. Today, the company’s stocks closed at Rs 23,346, taking a 5% lower circuit, while its shares closed at Rs 24,574.85 yesterday. Between 12 April and 19 April, the company’s stock was in the upper circuit daily.
The tremendous rise in the shares of Bombay Oxygen Investments since 1 February 2021 has also proved how people invest in stocks without thinking and without research due to social media fraud. On 1 February, the price of one share of Bombay Oxygen Investments was Rs 9965, which rose to Rs 24,574.85 on 19 April.
This rise in the company’s stock came not because of the company’s strong fundamentals, balance sheets or earnings growth, but because of the word Oxygen in its name. The company used to supply industrial gas till August 2019, which it had left about 2 years ago. The company is now NBFC.
Let us tell you that since the second wave of Kovid has reached the peak in the country, the stock of the company has jumped more than 100%. On April 1, the price of 1 share of the company was Rs 11,255 which has now crossed Rs 24,574. That is, the company’s stock has risen by 120% this month.
But it seems that the bubble of the boom in the stocks of the company has broken out and the corrections have started in the stocks of the company from today. Today, the company’s stocks closed at Rs 23,346, taking a 5% lower circuit, while its shares closed at Rs 24,574.85 yesterday. Between 12 April and 19 April, the company’s stock was in the upper circuit daily.