Urfi has shared a new reel video on her social media handle. For the first time in the video, Urfi is seen in a multi color night suit with a lining. After this, Urfi’s look changes instantly and she looks very stylish wearing super gorgeous and sizzling dress.
Urfi Javed, who rules the hearts of fans with fashion, style and glamorous looks, is a real fashionista. Who knows better than Urfi Javed how to add glamor to simple clothes. Urfi sometimes makes bralette out of her socks and sometimes wears a tube T-shirt by cutting it in a strange way and making a stylish backless top from it. Now Urfi has shared a new video of her, in which she is seen changing her look in a hurry.
Urfi changed her look like this
Urfi has shared a new reel video on her social media handle. For the first time in the video, Urfi is seen in a multi color night suit with a lining. After this, Urfi’s look changes instantly and she looks very stylish wearing super gorgeous and sizzling dress.
Urfi stuns in front cut out dress
Urfi’s changed look is impressing the fans as always. The front cut on the actress’s dress is the most highlighting feature of her outfit, which is giving a sizzling touch to the actress’s look. Urfi is looking very gorgeous in nude glossy makeup and open hair. Urfi’s video is covered on social media. Both the looks of Urfi are impressing the fans a lot.
Urfi’s night suit also impressed the fans
The outfit in which Urfi is seen in the beginning of the video. Its price is Rs 1,549. You can buy it online if you want. Fans are also very fond of Urfi’s sizzling dress along with her night suit.