In the video, Ira Khan is seen spending beautiful moments with her boyfriend Nupur Shikre. This video is actually a mixture of many small and big beautiful moments and memories.
New Delhi: Bollywood’s Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan’s daughter Aira Khan is also a free-thinker like her father. She shares her personal and professional life with fans like an open book. In this sequence, she has recently posted a video of herself with her boyfriend, which is being shared fiercely on fan pages.
What’s special in the video?
In the video, Ira Khan is seen spending beautiful moments with her boyfriend Nupur Shikre. This video is actually a mixture of many small and big beautiful moments and memories. Let us tell you that Ira Khan has been in the headlines for a long time for being with her boyfriend Nupur Shikre.
Aira is missing her boyfriend In the
video, Nupur is seen enjoying a date with Ira Khan at some places and somewhere Aira is seen kissing Nupur. Somewhere both are seen having fun in the pool and somewhere both are seen chilling with friends. While sharing this video, Ira Khan wrote – You are my support. I feel like an idiot right now. Love you so much cutie.’