Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh’s health has been deteriorating for a few days and he has been admitted to the Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI). From the smallest BJP workers to the Prime Minister are worried about his health. Everyone is praying for his speedy recovery. Yesterday BJP National President JP Nadda also reached Lucknow to see him. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is reaching the hospital and taking information from moment to moment.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda met former UP Chief Minister Kalyan Singh on Thursday and inquired about his well being. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and state president Swatantra Dev Singh were also present with him. The picture that came out during this time reveals the stature of Kalyan Singh. Whenever there is mention of Ram Mandir movement, Kalyan Singh’s name will definitely come in it.
He is counted among the important characters of this movement. His political innings started in 1967. In the same year, he was elected as a member of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly and remained an MLA till the year 80. After a landslide victory in 91, he was made the Chief Minister of UP. He always remained in the headlines after the demolition of Babri Masjid. He was the CM of UP at the time of this incident and after that he resigned.
यही संगठन की शक्ति है ..भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री @JPNadda जी,मुख्यमंत्री श्री @myogiadityanath जी,संगठन महामंत्री श्री @blsanthosh जी और संगठन के सभी वरिष्ठ पदाधिकारियों ने आदरणीय श्री कल्याण सिंह जी से अस्पताल में मुलाक़ात की और जल्द स्वस्थ होने की शुभकामनाएँ दी।
— Sambit Patra (@sambitswaraj) July 9, 2021
His reverence for Rama has always been there. Some time ago he said that I wish that a grand temple of Ram should be built in my lifetime itself. The construction work of Ram temple has started. Not only in the politics of Uttar Pradesh but also in the politics of the country, he was once dominated. He was made the Chief Minister of UP after the resounding victory of BJP in 1991. He always remained in the headlines after the demolition of Babri Masjid. He was the CM of UP at the time of this incident and after that he resigned.
Party’s national spokesperson Sambit Patra tweeted this picture and wrote that this is the power of the organization ..BJP National President JP Nadda, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Organization General Secretary BL Santosh and all the senior officials of the organization visited the hospital with respected Kalyan Singh ji I met you and wished you a speedy recovery.
I was deeply touched to know that during his conversation with @JPNadda Ji, Kalyan Singh Ji remembered me. I also have many memories of my interactions with Kalyan Singh Ji. Several of those memories came back to life. Talking to him has always been a learning experience.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 9, 2021
PM Modi also tweeted and wrote, ‘Countless people across the country are praying for the speedy recovery of Kalyan Singh ji. Yesterday JP Nadda ji, CM Yogi Adityanath ji and others met him in the hospital. I just spoke to his grandson and inquired about Kalyan Singh’s health. PM Modi further wrote, ‘I am very happy to know that in conversation with JP Nadda ji, Kalyan ji remembered me. I also have many memories of my conversation with Kalyan ji. Many of those memories were revived.
Significantly, Kalyan Singh was admitted to the ICU of SGPGI on July 4 at 5.30 pm. Prior to this, his doctor was undergoing treatment at Ram Manohar Lohia Institute.