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Home India Train Ticket Booking: Difficulty in booking tickets from IRCTC? book in these...

Train Ticket Booking: Difficulty in booking tickets from IRCTC? book in these easy ways

General Ticket: Online general ticket booking becomes useless after so many hours, if you travel again then you will be fined

Train Ticket Booking: Recently there were some problems in IRCTC’s website and app. In such a situation, know about those options from where you can book train tickets online other than IRCTC.

Train Ticket Booking: Crores of people in the country travel by train every day and most people prefer to travel in reserved coaches because the journey in it is more comfortable and convenient. However, for this, train ticket booking has to be done in advance, so that a confirmed seat can be found. You can book train tickets both online and offline. In which offline ticket booking is a bit difficult because for this you have to go to the railway counter and stand in a long queue for hours.

On the other hand, online ticket booking is quite easy sitting at home. Nowadays there are many such platforms available, from where you can easily book your online ticket. Through these apps and websites, you can make your train ticket booking even easier. Let us tell you about these apps and websites…

Where to book train tickets online?


You can book train tickets on IRCTC’s official website (www.irctc.co.in) and Rail Connect app, but for this you have to create an IRCTC account first. However, recently there were some problems in IRCTC’s website and app. In such a situation, also know about those options from where you can book train tickets online other than IRCTC.


MakeMyTrip is a famous travel booking app from where you can easily book train tickets. It offers many features, such as Trip Guarantee feature. If you do not get a confirmed ticket, the company also gives you coupons along with money.


You can also book train tickets through the Ixigo app. In this app, you get information about all trains, ticket confirmation prediction and train tracking. This app can prove to be helpful in travel planning.


Paytm is generally known as a payment app, but you can also book train tickets through it. You get many offers on Paytm and can also see the confirmation probability here, which tells you the possibility of ticket confirmation.


If you need an instant ticket and are unable to book from IRCTC, then the ConfirmTkt app can be a great option. Through this app, you can easily book confirmed tickets and also check the probability of waiting list tickets. Also, this app helps in booking Tatkal tickets. Apart from this, you can also track the running status of the train from here.

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